Photo exhibition about the wildlife of Kamchatka opened in Sheremetyevo

Photo exhibition about the wildlife of Kamchatka opened in Sheremetyevo

At Sheremetyevo International Airport, with the support of the Government of the Kamchatka Region, a wildlife photo exhibition "Kamchatka. The story in the faces".

The photo exhibition is dedicated to the foxes-the heroes of the documentary of the same name, the filming of which took place on the territory of the Kronotsky Reserve, one of the most inaccessible places in Russia. A notable feature of the exhibition are photographic materials depicting the life history of fox families: the formation of a couple, the struggle for survival in the cold season, the birth and upbringing of cubs. The authors of the film Dmitry and Anna Shpilenok spent three expeditions in the wild with a total duration of 26 months to shoot an inspiring story about foxes.

The exhibition is located in the public departure area of Terminal B (3rd floor) until April 17, 2023.

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