Aeroexpress trains to Sheremetyevo will depart from Savelovsky Railway Station on October 22 and 29

In connection with the planned work on the railway on October 22 and 29, all Aeroexpress trains to Sheremetyevo Airport will depart from Savelovsky Station with a stop at Okruzhnaya. The final stop when traveling from the airport will also be Savelovsky railway station. This is reported by the Aeroexpress press service.
Some of the Aeroexpress trains will continue to run on the section from Odintsovo to Belorussky Railway Station in the MDC mode on the specified dates. The company's trains involved in this section will not proceed to Sheremetyevo Airport. This is due to the fact that during the maintenance of the railway infrastructure, there will temporarily be no train traffic on the section between Belorussky and Savelovsky stations.
On October 21-23 and 28-30, some flights will be canceled in the early morning and late evening.
The company kindly asks passengers to familiarize themselves with the train schedule before traveling.
You can find out up-to-date information about the train schedule on the Aeroexpress website and in the mobile application in the Schedule section by calling the hotline, as well as from the company's employees in the terminals.
In addition, you can also get to Sheremetyevo Airport by express buses from the Khovrino metro station, which depart every 13-20 minutes. You can get acquainted with the bus schedule on the company's website in the section "Sheremetyevo Express Bus".